United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Natural Botox. Or, when will it end????
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Natural Botox. Or, when will it end????

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:49 pm
by Wendy Lee
Okay, so I am sitting there getting down to lunch at work, as in eating my salad, and reading a bit online about testing the cranial nerves. I've been having some issues with the accessory and facial nerve since the accident. I knew the accessory was screwed up, and during the pain episodes I have, I get facial and oral pain and/or 'stuff' going on. So reading how to test part of the facial nerve is to lift the eyebrows to crease the brow. So I do it. Uhhhh........or try to do it. I grab the mirror, and try to pop those suckers up and nothing but a quiver. I'm like, 'nooooo, this can't be' and suddenly I am stricken with the familiar wave of muscle spasm from the forehead, across my scalp, and down my spinal column as the muscles tighten.

I come bolt upright and the only thing I can do is hold myself still as the wave reaches its peak and starts to subside as I mutter cuss words to myself. This has got to be the worst I have felt since the accident. Or I have just been, as they say, 'dealing with it' until today. Today I lost it. I sat there and sobbed quietly to myself in front of my PC at work.

So now I realize my eyebrow area feels really heavy, and the skin has lost some feeling, not only on the brow but across the bridge of my nose, cheeks and around the outsides of my eyes. I think I am lucky I can still crack a smile this afternoon. .....sigh..........a co-worker asked if this was like botox, LOL! Yeah probably, so will it get rid of my wrinkles then?

Who really is trying to get a grip on this new developement.