United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • email updates in watched lists. . .
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email updates in watched lists. . .

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:49 pm
by rbwalton
Maybe I am missing something simple. What is "Email-updates" in the contro panel for watched forums for? I would think if you have that set, and you have supplied your email address, that you would get an email when the forum topic in question has an addition of some kind. If tat is supposed to happen, it is not happening for me. If that is not the function of that setting, what is it really for?


Re: email updates in watched lists. . .

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:33 pm
by richinma2005

Yes that is what the function is for. It is currently set to message only the originator of the thread.

Message Authors Receive Watch Emails
O Yes, messages authors will get emails when replying to a watched topic as well as when others reply.
X No, message authors are only notified when others respond to a watched topic.

But, we are in the middle of changing our website and messageboard software. We have been working on it with volunteers for well over 9 months. It will provide many updated features that we sorely need. We are still hoping to be complete in October....so keep your eyes open!


Re: email updates in watched lists. . .

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:40 pm
by rbwalton
I have it set to "yes" to email updates and on threads for which I am the originator, I still get nothing. It has never worked for me since the day I registered.

Message was edited by: rbwalton

Re: email updates in watched lists. . .

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:01 am
by ipeverywhere
Sorry for the confusion.

If it's not working that is because we purposely didn't configure the messageboard software to use the local mail server and therefore it is generating an e-mail which cannot be delivered.

There were a handful of reasons for this which I'll spare you at the moment. Just know the BOD are working diligently on moving forward with an upgraded system.