chiropractic ,supplements,picnics,evals

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: and here's the post you knew you would get....

Post by francine »

yes - this may be true - but it would have been in the form of a neuroma.

Bravo on doing acupuncture! I know it helped in many ways. I'm a shiatsu therapist - so I use the same approach and theories in my practice minus the needles.

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Re: and here's the post you knew you would get....

Post by m&mmom »

Yes it would have been in a neuroma form, but Matthew has a huge one on C7&8 and they have no idea how he's moving is hand/wrist, they said he shouldn't be able to. He didn't get any finger/hand/wrist until after acupuncture.
Oriental treatment is very new to me. I find it very interesting. Matthew's acupuncturist does a huge variety of things, needles/no needles. He also practices oriental medicine. We've used a couple of things so far.
I'm still working on him to write some information on treatment - the best I got so far was him giving me a brochure that he hands out. (I think that's all I'm going to get)
I'm wondering if Matthew will continue to tolerate treatments as he gets older.
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Re: and here's the post you knew you would get....

Post by francine »

here's something to check into....

I noticed on Maia that her heart meridian has many issues- I believe that it's because it's tied up in scar tissue. She has problems when she has as fever - the 'heat' gets stuck in her arm and cannot be expelled from the body. She also has speech issues when she has a fever and jaw issues that come and go - this is connected to heart meridian. You might want to check into this - I wonder if this is true of all bpi kids - especially the ones who have had surgery. I did feel this 'line of fire' on a few other adult and children bpi's. I am curious to know what your acupuncturist thinks about this. Thanks!
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Re: and here's the post you knew you would get....

Post by m&mmom »

Matthew had his weekly session last night and David did mention that there is a huge amount of heat coming from his scar (which looks great, we've been using vitamin E until David is done with mixing herbs). David is going to try and do whatever he can to prevent scar tissue build up. He just showed me how to roll up Matthew's spine with my fingers, then roll up a little over on the right part of the back to get the energy flowing properly. I think we're pretty lucky to have found him - he does a variety of techniques and does not restrict Matthew during treatments.
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Re: chiropractic ,supplements,picnics,evals

Post by PeggyF »

At our Picnic in Tacoma this year, there was a local doctors that attended and was thrilled to meet the BPI Spcecialist.
Many "local" doctors do not have the background or up-to-date knowledge required for this injury, especially if the injury involved more than a stretch.
Also, not many "prfessional doctors" are willing to give up their weekends --not even a few hours on a Saturday, to attend even when invited.
I want to mention also, that we had a PT, Nurse, and other professionals there, as well.
It's up to the people who put on the picnics to invite their community doctors or whom ever they see fit; It's not "promoting" any one facility. The facility you've taken the bandwagon against has nothing to do with setting up the picnics. It just so happens that only one facility to date (that I am aware of anyway) is WILLING to DONATE their time and expertise to benefit people who cannot afford to travel a long distance for an opinion.
If you are going to step up on a high horse, get all the facts first.
