Pain in afftected arm?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Pain in afftected arm?

Post by DJsmom »

DJ is 16 months old and does not sleep well at all! We have 3 older daughters that all slept quietly all night from 6 weeks old. Not sure if this is just a difference in kids or if it could posibly be due to pain in his arm. How do you tell? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 692
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2001 5:05 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Teen aged home birthed son with OBPI
Location: Fort Pierce, FL

Re: Pain in afftected arm?

Post by marymom »

Many children (uninjured or injured) children to wake during at night at 16 months of age- Have you tried co-sleeping? Keepin it simple is the first choice in our family and cosleeping kept it simple-
Posts: 528
Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:43 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: brachial plexus stretch during thoracic outlet syndrome surgery on may 18, 2010.

Re: Pain in afftected arm?

Post by jmar »

i know if i lay on my left side (injured side), my arm tends to hurt more during the night. sometimes waking me up. but i was injured as an adult, so it may be different for a small child. when i lay on my right side, i put my left arm on a pillow so my shoulder dont droop. it helps a lot. you might try to put his arm in a sling and attach it to his body when sleeping so he wont be putting it in an uncomfortable position. or you might try to wrap his arm to his side. just some ideas to think about. i do know my arm feels better if it is supported at night. good luck with all your kids.
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Re: Pain in afftected arm?

Post by ironmansmom »

My son, Blake ROBPI didn't sleep well for at least the first year of his life..when we took him for primary surgery, the doctors said that some kids feel an odd sensation, kind of like "ants crawling in the arm"...I don't know, but he was a wonderful child when awake, just sleeping was hard on him. He is 14 now.

Sorry DJ is going through this!!
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Joined: Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:37 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: My son had Brachial Plexus Injury from birth June 2, 06

Re: Pain in afftected arm?

Post by BreannaLeigh74 »

ironmansmom - what does you child say about how his arm feels now...does it have pain, does it get tired, does it get pins and needle a mom of a young child I am curious.
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Re: Pain in afftected arm?

Post by Master DIVER TOM »

Oops? :roll:
Sorry for SO many responses :shock:
I see these post and it leans to my birth ERBS and what I did and experience in sleeping in my life or HOW- Tos I did :roll:
If I could say anything, first is supporting the shoulder in sleep I learn to use small foam rubber pillow One on the scapula and one under the arm pit. For me it took pressure and Gravity off my shoulder some how. This help me as a baby with that spilt, I wish they would splint to the side than up in the air :evil: :twisted: with my erbs the doctor broke my scapula and elbow to. To me the shoulder is the place to take the gravity off of, put your arm up on a throw pillow in a chair or a couch and foam rubber for sleeping.

The pain ,Etc you guys deal with I still have but I Never had treatment EVer :roll: I think when you can FINALLY :evil: find the right help , Maybe some of these sensation will lessen ????? :shock: What drives me crazy in 1950 at birth they splinted my arm up then and I see they still do it Today :evil: :twisted: that real MEDIEVAL :evil: :twisted: .
you put a arm up in the air and FOR-SURE it puts weight on the shoulder and nerves :shock: All I can say alot of these sensation for me start with that split position put more pressure on the shoulder , Gravity causes these sensation with the arm hanging down as they do.< I think??????? :shock: :roll:
Strange thing :shock: , when I was little the Best thing I found For Me :roll: Was a stuff animal between my arm pit and arm walking , used the same way sleeping, I guess it took the gravity off. To day a sling for running Happen :D , There most be a gravity issue ????? :roll: ;) You know I am inspired :roll: There are in fact many ways some do find the help like ANGELA , latter in life injury ,posting here outcome, Its more than hope its the GREAT-Outcome I think??? :roll: ;)
But I drove a semi with erbs pain what pain for years, I must be a gluten for this :roll: :shock: :P

I hope this help a Little :roll: ??????? :shock: :roll:

Tom :shock: I know Mr Positive :shock: ;)
Posts: 214
Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2003 4:59 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: 10 year old Jessica born on 9/6/03 with a LOBPI.
Mostly recovered, no surgery, still has remaining functional deficits
including no active external rotation.
Location: The Woodlands, TX

Re: Pain in afftected arm?

Post by JessicasMom »

I am absolutely convinced that my daughter was in pain for the first 18 months. The first year was a nightmare, she would be up for 4 or 5 hours in the middle of the night, just crying, but not colicky. I finally learned the trick was to put her in a warm bath and pour the water over her arm. After that, she would usually go to sleep!

Now she is 8 and she can tell me when she has pain. Even though she had a milder injury and hasn't had surgery, she still complains of frequent pain in her deltoid area, so I can only imagine what kids with more extensive injuries are feeling! Lots of hugs and kisses helps too!
